21 Facts about Tigers you need to know

Golden tigers are one of the most beautiful animals with behavior that resembles their feline companions at home. Their orange coats with black stripes pattern make these iconic species very attractive yet so ferocious. Sadly, these big cats are listed as endangered animals, with some species becoming extinct. From the threats facing them to their behaviors and hunting methods, here are 21 facts about tigers you should know.

  1. Tigers are Solitary Hunters
    Although tigers live close to each other, they hunt alone and mostly at night. Tigers stalk their prey and pounce them when they get close, which makes it hard for them to hunt in numbers.
  2. Tigers have Different Stripes
    The striking orange coat and black stripes make it a perfect camouflage for a stealthy hunter. However, each tiger stripe pattern is unique, just like fingerprints, which means you can’t find two tigers sharing the same stripes.
  3. Tigers are the Largest Wild Cats
    Compared with other big cats, golden tigers are among the largest. Royal Bengal tigers are bigger and stronger than other wild cats, including lions. A male tiger can weigh up to 300 kilograms and grow as long as 2.8 meters.
  4. Tiger Cubs are Born Blind
    With all their attractiveness, tiger cubs are born blind. They only utilize their other senses, like their superior ability to smell, to know where their mother and siblings are in a den. Their eyes open after one to two weeks after birth. Surprisingly, male tigers may eat young cubs to make the tigress available for mating.
  5. Tigers are Swimmers
    Unlike other wild cats, including domestic cats at home, tigers are good swimmers. They enjoy spending time in the water, which is an ideal way of having fun and cooling off.
  6. Life Expectancy of Tiger is Between 20 to 25 Years
    Whether they are in the wild or kept in a zoo, golden tigers live for 20 to 25 years. However, some die before attaining 20 years.
  7. Tigers are Fast
    Although not as fast as a cheetah, tigers are fast runners. Despite their size or weight, these felines can reach up to 65km/h. Tigers can also roam as far as 30kms in search of food at night.
  8. Tigers can Roar
    An obvious expectation of big cats is that they purr. However, tigers roar, though not as big as that of a lion. To perfect their roar, you will routinely hear tigers chuffing, moaning, growling, or hissing.
  9. Tiger’s Urine Smells like Buttered Popcorn
    Run for safety if you are around tiger’s territory and perceive a buttered popcorn smell. The smell that comes from tiger’s urine is that of buttered popcorn.
  10. India Hosts Largest Number of Wild Tigers
    India has the largest tiger population in the world. The country declared these species its national animal in 1973.
  11. Tigers are Carnivores
    Tigers feast on other animals, and they have a varied diet. They can feed on deer/antelope, bear, rhino, crocodile, buffalo, wild boar, rodents, and birds. They can even eat other cats like leopards.
  12. Tigers can Mate with Other Big Cats
    Crossbreeding between a tiger and other big cats is possible. For instance, the “Tigon” breed is a crossbreed between a male tiger and a lioness, and Ligers, a breed from female tigers and male lions. While many countries allow crossbreeding, it is banned in Taiwan.
  13. Tiger Saliva is a Natural Antiseptic
    Tiger saliva has antiseptic properties. When a tiger is wounded, it licks the affected area to prevent infections.
  14. Tigers can Imitate other Animal Sounds
    The ability to mimic other animal calls gives tigers an added advantage when hunting. This feature helps them fool their prey into approaching.
  15. Tigers Stripes are on the Fur and Skin
    Even if you shave tiger’s fur, you will still see stripes on the skin. Each tiger has unique stripes patterns that act as its identity.
  16. Tigers Prefer Hunting by Ambush
    Another fact about tigers is that they enjoy a surprise kill, just like many wild animals. Their camouflage stripes enable them to hide behind thick bushes and attack their prey from behind.
  17. Tiger has very Long Claws
    Tigers have soft but powerful claws that can grow up to 12 cm long. Tiger claws and strong teeth are their defense mechanism.
  18. Tiger’s Penis doesn’t Erect even when Aroused
    Even when aroused, the male tiger’s penis doesn’t erect. The penis bone or baculum help in sexual procreation, locking in female tigers until their sperm is absorbed.
  19. Tigers Close their Eyes as a Sign of Relaxation
    When they feel safe, tigers tend to close their eyes. It also indicates calmness and contentment.
  20. Bengal Tigers are the most Popular
    The popularity of Bengal tigers can be rooted in “The Jungle Book” character. Shere Khan, a Bengal tiger, is the Disney animals’ main antagonist.
  21. Tigers are Nocturnal Animals.
    Tigers are night owls that prefer hunting at night, mostly to avoid interacting with humans in the daytime. They also patrol their territories at night and fight anything that intrudes.

The above 21 facts about tigers indicate the beauty and uniqueness of these species. It is the responsibility of everyone to save golden tigers from hunting and poaching.

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