Save the Golden Tigers!

From evergreen grasslands to dry forests, the golden tabby tiger is a rare, majestic sight to behold. This massive feline displays an exquisite fawn fur often with reddish to no stripes. Strawberry tiger, as they call it. This special gene is a rare wide band mutation only carried out in 1 out of 10,000 genetic crosses. But with its beauty came a steep price— the hunter became the prey.

Poachers hunt their luxurious, soft, one-of-a-kind fur, and sell it for a handsome deal in the black market. The last two known were shot dead in Mysore Pradesh India back in 1932, officially labeling them extinct. Lucky for us, they’re highly intelligent creatures. For 5 decades, they hid and survived human greed. Until, in 1983, the golden tabby tigers were again, found.

As of today, only 30 tigers are known to exist, most in captivity, nonetheless on the brink of extinction. What role does humanity play with their salvation? Herein are some golden tigers facts you might want to learn:

What are Golden Tabby Tigers?
Golden tabby tigers, commonly known as golden tabbies or strawberry tigers, is a breed of tigers that is characterized by beautiful golden colors. They are golden with little to no stripes, a rare feature caused by a recessive gene. Like a white tiger or a black tiger, the species only have different color forms and are not a different subspecies from the normal tigers. The species traced back to ancient India and was thought extinct in 1932, only resurfacing in 1983.

How Are Golden Tabby Tigers Different From the Other Breeds?
The only distinguishing factor of the golden tabby tigers from the common tigers is their stunning golden coats. They are huge and can reach a towering five-foot-six, almost the same height as a regular human being, and can weigh between 240-500 lbs. They also have pale striping that at times changes into large spots, which is why they are nicknamed the strawberry tigers.

Where Do Golden Tabby Tigers Live?
Apart from the Golden Tabby Tigers in captivity, the rare tiger has been spotted in the Kaziranga National Park in India. The species inhabits the tropical moist evergreen forests, dry forests, moist deciduous forests, mangroves, alluvial grasslands, and temperate grasslands. Like normal tigers, they are very elusive and would spend their time in the wood and grasslands to avoid being seen.

How Do Humans Affect the Golden Tabby Tigers Population?
The rise in poaching of the golden tabby tigers for their beautiful coats saw their tremendous decrease in numbers and eventual extinction before resurfacing in 1983. The destruction of their natural habitats for timber and space is also a major contributor to their extinction.

What Can We Do to Save Golden Tabby Tigers?
The most vital way of saving the tiger is by forcing hunters and poachers to give up their bad habits. Everybody should partake in the fight against poaching by reporting the culprits to law enforcement agencies for legal action.

Secondly, apart from reporting poachers, you could also participate in donations towards organizations dedicated to saving the tiger. There are a lot of organizations with the desire to save this threatened species, and it would be beneficial for you to boost their effort through financial donations.

You could as well partake in the WFF’S adopt a tiger program. It is a symbolic adoption that enables you to fund WWF’s work in tiger conservation. The organization would use the money to create tiger reserves and protect them from poachers.

Are There Any Laws That Protect These Tigers?
The convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, famously referred to as CITES, is one of the rules that protect these tigers. It is a global agreement between governments to ensure trade in wild animal specimens does not lead to species extinction.

Are There Any Organizations that Help The Species?
Several organizations ensure the safety of tigers and big cats in general. The following are the most famous organization whose quest to salvage threatened species is paying off:

The Big Cat Initiative

It is an organization founded in 2009 by the National Geographic Society. It offers donations to conservationists whose initiatives protect the big cats and their habitats.


It is an organization that partners with conservationists to implement protective measures for wild cats in 39 countries.

Wildlife Conservation Society

It is home to more than 170 PhD scientists whose task is to develop conservation strategies to protect big cats around the globe. They sponsor aspiring conservationists and raise awareness of the threat of wild cat species around the globe.

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