What is Tiger Kung-Fu? Examining the Famed Martial Art

Tiger style Kung-Fu is a martial art that’s been around for generations. This type of fighting style has been immortalized by prominent fighters for many reasons — it’s versatile, hard-hitting, and employs a vast array of techniques to allow its user to gain the upper hand in an encounter. If you’re a person that wants to harbor their aggression and utilize a fighting style that will truly work for you, then Tiger Kung Fu might be the choice.

Origins of Tiger Kung Fu

This fighting style, like many, is shrouded in the the mists of time. There are many who claim to have originally developed the martial arts style, but it is difficult nowadays to differentiate fact from fiction. However, what we do know is this: Usually titled as Tiger Claw Kung-Fu, this fighting style is one of many originated by Shaolin monks. Usually a pacifist organization, Shaolin monks had to learn ways to defend themselves against highway robbers, bandits, and anyone else who might want to do them harm. A fighting style that uses both weapons and only what the body has to offer, this Martial Arts Style was devised as a way to take an opponent’s aggression and use it against them. However, this isn’t to say it’s as flowy or graceful as something like aikido — Tiger Kung Fu is something that’s hard-hitting and requires hard striking power.

Techniques Utilized By Tiger Kung-Fu

Tiger Kung-Fu utilizes many different methods, but it’s primarily described as an aggressive form of hand-to-hand combat. That means if you’re looking to use it effectively than you’ll need to master many different types of forms, punches, kicks, and more. It is also a style that occasionally incorporates weapons, though any experienced instructor will make sure that you can handle the usual physical combat before moving onto something more extreme like incorporating a bowstaff or sword. Besides, those weapons don’t have much usage in the modern era, so we understand the reluctance that you might feel towards dedicating your time and energy into learning something that might feel a little bit superfluous. However, there’s no doubting that learning how to effectively wield a steel-bladed weapon comes with a great deal of satisfaction. Have you ever effortlessly sliced a watermelon in half with barely any effort? No? Well Tiger Kung Fu and golden Tiger style can certainly help you out there.

Other Aspects of Tiger Kung Fu

Like many martial arts, Tiger Kung Fu is not solely a physical style of fighting. One of the other most important parts of it are its mental aspects. Like we’ve all heard time and time again: “With great power comes great responsibility.” You might be the best fighter in the world, but if you don’t know how to effectively utilize your skills then you’re no better than a drunk getting in a bar fight. One of the core tenets of learning this Martial Arts Style is finding out when it’s appropriate to use your skills on your opponent. Should you just be mercilessly beating every unskilled person who’s pissed off you cut them off in traffic? Of course not, which is why when you learn this style — or basically any other martial art, including Golden Tiger Style (a more specialized form of the Tiger style) — then you’ll be taught how to manage your emotions, survey a situation objectively, and truly decide whether or not it’s worth it for you to even get physically involved with your would-be opponent. Before you decide to fight someone, there should be something that occurs that forces you into violence. Never get violent willingly — this a core piece of wisdom taught by anyone who employs this fighting style.

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What is Tiger Kung-Fu?

Examining the Famed Martial Art

Tiger style Kung-Fu is a martial art that’s been around for generations.

This type of fighting style has been immortalized by prominent fighters for many reasons — it’s versatile, hard-hitting, and employs a vast array of techniques to allow its user to gain the upper hand in an encounter.